This plugin allows interaction with the Jakarto environment directly from QGIS. Five tools are available:
1. Get the Python version used by your QGIS
Open QGIS.
Open the About window: Help -> About.
Note the Python version used by QGIS.
2. Download the plugin corresponding to the Python version used by your QGIS
Go to the download page.
Select and download the ZIP file corresponding to your operating system (windows for Windows systems, macos for Mac OS systems, and unix for UNIX systems) and the Python version used by your QGIS. Example for Python 3.10 on a UNIX system:
3. Install the Plugin from the .zip file
Open the Extensions window: _Pluginss -> Manage and install plugins.
Open the Install from ZIP tab.
Navigate and select the previously downloaded ZIP file.
Click on Install Plugin.
The Jakarto plugin tools should be visible in the toolbar; if not, restart QGIS to apply the changes.
The point-by-point validation tool is designed to facilitate the visual validation of point elements in an inventory:
Select the points to validate on the map.
Browse the points and assign them a numeric status (0 to 9).
π΅ Status selection π΅ allows setting the status of the active point either by clicking the corresponding button or by using the numeric keypad. Note that when set, the status of the active point is indicated in green.
π’ Status field selection π’ allows selecting a field from the active layer to store the points' status. Note that if the field is not selected, a default field JAKARTO_STATUS is added to the active layer when the first status is assigned.
π Navigation π allows moving from one point to the next or previous by clicking on the dedicated buttons or using the keyboard arrows. The distance from the observed point to the shooting position and the shooting date are also indicated.
π΄ Random point selection π΄ allows randomly selecting a defined number of points from the active layer to inspect.
π£ Attribute display π£ allows displaying an attribute relative to the active point (selected from the dropdown menu) directly in the plugin window or all attributes of the active point in a separate window (by checking the Display all attributes checkbox).
π‘ Go to Jakartowns button π‘ allows visualizing the object present at the coordinates of the active point directly in Jakartowns.
Several options related to the selection of images to display are available in the Options tab of the tool:
Temporal filters allow you to delimit the time interval of image capture by defining a minimum date (from) and/or a maximum date (to).
The selection of the number of neighboring images allows you to define the number of images to preselect before applying the selection filters.
[!TIP] Sometimes a display error may occur prompting you to check the filters currently applied to the image selection. If the date filters are correctly selected, increasing the number of neighbors (k_neighbors) generally eliminates this error.
The sorting method of candidate images allows you to define whether the displayed images are selected - among the previously defined k neighboring images - from nearest to farthest from the active point (distance) or from newest to oldest (time).
[!WARNING] Sorting images from newest to oldest may lead to the display of images that are sometimes very far from the active point.
Neighbor positions allow you to define which images to display based on their position relative to the active point. If the parameter is set to 0, only the closest image to the active point is displayed. If the parameter is greater than 0, the two images corresponding to the defined positions are displayed in addition to the closest image. The larger the selected parameter, the greater the spacing between the positions of the displayed images (see illustration below). Thus, the larger the parameter, the more oblique the view of the object (illustrated by arrows for images at positions 1 and 5).
[!TIP] Increasing the Neighbor positions parameter can facilitate the validation of objects perpendicular to the street - such as road signs - but it increases the chances that the view of an object far from the edge of the street will be obstructed by obstacles. Selecting this parameter carefully can greatly facilitate validation work.
Image layout (Stacked) allows you to define, in the case where three images are displayed, whether the images are stacked vertically or distributed horizontally.
Context setting (Context) allows you to define, in meters, the dimensions of the bounding box delimiting the image to be displayed around the active point. The larger the selected value, the more zoomed out the view is.
View tilt adjustment (Vertical offset) allows you to define the tilt of the view on the active point. The smaller the selected value, the more downward the view is.
The Draw ellipse option allows you to add, or not, an ellipse centered on the active point to the image.
The Clear cache button allows you to clear locally pre-cached images, for example, to ensure that the displayed images correspond to the selected filters.
The proximity preview and validation tool allows, similar to the point-by-point validation tool, to visualize an object at precise coordinates. However, the coordinates are not defined like those of a point in a geographic layer (as is the case with the point-by-point validation tool) but correspond to a position clicked on the map by the user (hereafter active position). Thus, the proximity preview and validation tool offers the possibility to visualize an object located at the active position. It also allows acting on the point closest to the active position by:
assigning it a numerical status (0 to 9).
repositioning it at the active position, an action accompanied by assigning a status defined by the user to the moved point.
This tool also allows adding a point at the active position. In this case, a status defined by the user is assigned to this point and the values of the other attributes are not defined.
[!TIP] The proximity preview and validation tool was originally designed to facilitate inventory validation from the matrix tiles produced by Jakarto and available in the form of a WMTS stream. This service can be easily integrated into QGIS by following the instructions on this page.
[!WARNING] Modifying the position of a point is an irreversible operation after closing the proximity preview and validation tool. We strongly advise always keeping a copy of the original data before modifying it.
The procedure for using this tool is as follows:
Click on a location on the map to activate the tool.
Use the tool to visualize different locations on the map and, if necessary, act on the points of a geographic layer.
π΅ Selection of the active layer π΅ allows you to define the layer to edit. It is possible to define no layer, in which case the tool will only be used to visualize images.
π’ Selection of the status field π’ allows selecting a field from the active layer in which to store the status of the points.
[!IMPORTANT] For security reasons (given that potentially irreversible modifications can be made to the data with this tool), the status field must be manually selected and will not be created automatically. Therefore, an integer field must be created beforehand by the user.
[!IMPORTANT] No modifications can be made to the data if the active layer or the status field is not selected.
[!IMPORTANT] No other layer than the active layer can be modified until it is selected using the dropdown menu.
π Selection of status π allows defining the status of the point closest to the active position, either by clicking the corresponding button or by using the numeric keypad of your keyboard.
[!TIP] It is recommended to define a symbology associated with the status field to visualize the status of the points in the active layer because this tool does not offer the possibility to display it.
π΄ Move the nearest point π΄ allows moving the point closest to the active position to the coordinates of the active position, either by clicking the dedicated button or by using the keyboard shortcut (A). The moved point will receive the status indicated in the dropdown menu.
π£ Add a new point π£ allows adding a new point to the active layer at the coordinates of the active position, either by clicking the dedicated button or by using the keyboard shortcut (D). The added point will receive the status indicated in the dropdown menu.
[!TIP] Applied to an empty layer, adding points can allow quickly conducting an inventory of objects directly in QGIS.
π€ Special Actions π€ allow:
to undo the last action performed with the tool by clicking the dedicated button (Undo) or using the keyboard shortcut (W).
to redo a previously undone action by clicking the dedicated button (Redo) or using the keyboard shortcut (S).
to move the active position to the coordinates of the nearest point to visualize the exact position of the latter, clicking the dedicated button (Jump to nearest object) or using the keyboard shortcut (Q).
π‘ Go to Jakartowns button π‘ allows you to view the object present at the coordinates of the active position directly in Jakartowns.
The options of the proximity preview and validation tool are similar to those of the point-by-point validation tool. Only two differences are notable:
Temporal filters can be defined from an attribute field of the active layer (in the Settings tab, select the date field using the dropdown menu and click use dates from this layer).
Define a maximum distance to act remotely on a point. Adjusting this parameter to 0.0 cancels the effect of this filter.
This tool allows you to open Jakartowns with a view centered on the coordinates clicked on the map in a new window or a new tab of the default web browser:
Click on the map where you want to view in Jakartowns.
This tool allows adding, for each entity of a geographic layer of point objects opened in QGIS, a field containing the Jakartowns URL allowing to open Jakartowns with a view centered on the coordinates of the entity:
Select the layer to which to add the Jakartowns URLs using the dropdown menu.
Name the field containing the URLs.
Click OK.
This tool allows you to paste a URL copied from a Jakartowns window to center the map on the coordinates observed in Jakartowns:
Paste the URL.
Last updated